**This glossary is constantly being edited and added to.**
(DP) = Dennis Prager
(HH) = Hugh Hewitt
(MS) = Michael Savage
Deck of Weasels = 54 Liberal America Haters.......Listed mockingly in a deck of cards produced by Newsmax.
Colors Used to Identify Words/Phrases
Blue = American, Conservative, Normal, etc........I also used blue to note the Republican Party, even though the media has used red to note the party in elections. I do so because I refuse to fall into the trap of those trying to hide the Democrats from the reality of their Leftist/Red agenda.
Red = America-Haters, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Normos, and a huge variety of degenerates......I also used red to note the Democrat Party, even though the media has used blue to note the party in elections. I do so because I refuse to fall into the trap of those trying to hide the Democrats from the reality of their Leftist/Red agenda.
Green = Islam, Muslims
Purple = Politically neutral..........Blue + Red = Purple.
Yellow = Gay Muslims...........Red + Green.
??-Chromosomer = Normos
# of Clubs = Media Maniacs in the Deck of Weasels
# of Diamonds = American Politicians in the Deck of Weasels
# of Hearts = Hollywood Idiots in the Deck of Weasels
# of Spades = International Leaders in the Deck of Weasels
A-Mad-Jihad (MS) = Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
ACLU(seless)/ACLU(SSR)/The Useless = The American Civil Liberties Union (??, what a farce of a name).........The greatest subversive entity in the U.S, which makes it the top "Enemy Within."
Adrianople = The Battle of Adrianople was the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire, ending in a slaughter of Roman troops at the hands of the Goths, which laid the Empire open to assault, demographic change, adn eventually conquest.
Affirmative Racism/Reverse Racism = Affirmative Action.........Payback for the sins of our great-great grandfathers. Even for those who's lineage had nothing to do with slavery or the oppression of Blacks.
Ahmadine-Whack Job (Michael Medved) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad......The "whack job" reference is obvious.
Alphabet Networks (MS) = ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc.
America's Manifest Destiny = The traditional definition is the conquest of the current territoy of the Continental U.S.......Pero's definition includes space.
ANWAR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge......North America's largest oil field, located in northern Alaska.
Axis of Evil = Iran, North Korea, and pre-liberation Iraq........Defined by President GW Bush in his 2002 State of the Union Speech.
Axis of Lunatics = The 'Axis of Evil" plus their lunatic world partners........Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, etc.
Barbarossa/Operation Barbarossa = The WWII, German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941).
The Beast = Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe.
BlewClinsky (H. Stern) = Monica did what to Bill?? --> I think you can figure this one out on your own.
Brokebacker = Gays
Bush Doctrine (2001)/Doctrine of Preemption = A doctrine of preemption against those who wish to do harm to the U.S, and those who harbor them.....Included is the right to unilateral action if needed, the policy of keeping U.S. Military beyond challenge (conventional or unconventional), and the policy of promoting democracy throughout the world.
C-in-C/CINC = Commander in Chief........President of the United States, or various regional military commanders.
CAIR = Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Catholic-by-Osmosis = My religious affliliation, through my wife and children. Even though I am not a Christian......The ascendence of Pope Bennedict has made this bond even stronger.
The Chicken Farmer = Heinrich Himmler, who was a chicken farmer prior to becoming one of Hitlers leading henchmen.
Circle Jerk Group = The United Nations...I'll leave this one to your imagination.
Clauswitz/Pero Corollary = "WAR is the continuation of POLITICS by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz
"POLITICS is the continuation of WAR by other means." - Poison Pero
conservative (small "c") = Favoring traditional views and values, moderate or cautious
Conservative (big "C") = A political inclination, leaning to the right and holding conservative views. --> Although I am a 'big-C' and 'small-c' Conservative, I'm also proud to call my self a 'small-l' liberal.........In no way am I a 'big-L' Liberal though.
Conservative-Lite - Weak Conservatives, but not quite RINO's........IE: G.W. Bush and John McCain.
Conservative Litmus Test = If Ted Kennedy/Jimmy Carter likes it, Conservatives should hate it......And vice versa.
Crapistan (MS)/Jihadistan = The various lands of the Religion of Piece...Often referred to as Jihadistan as well --> The Middle East, SW Asia, Indonesia, etc.
(D)'s = Democrats
(D)'s-in-(R)'s Clothing = RINO's......Liberal Republicans who are mis-cast and should be Democrats.
Democide = The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.......Go to the Democide Homepage.
Democrat Party Plantation = The state of helplessness many minorities feel tied to, which keeps them dependant on the Government and Democrat Party.........The tool of the Party is the system of Political Indentured Servitude.
Democrat Socialist Party/DSP = The goal of the New Democrats, who are taking the traditional Democrat Party further and further from its American roots, and closer to its Socialist future.
Demographic Jihad = The Muslim process of conquering Europe through immigraton and reproduction........It is completely preventable, but Europe seems unwilling to learn from the past: Goth conquest of the West Roman Empire. --> It should be noted the U.S. has the same problem with the Mexican Reconquista.
The Deviant Justice/RBG = Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg --> RBG
DGSOS (Lt. Gen. Russel Honore) = Don't Get Stuck on Stupid --> Possibly my favorite quote ever.
Doctrine of Preemption/Bush Doctrine (2001) = A doctrine of preemption against those who wish to do harm to the U.S, and those who harbor them.....Included is the right to unilateral action if needed, the policy of keeping U.S. Military beyond challenge (conventional or unconventional), and the policy of promoting democracy throughout the world.
Doctrine of Stupidity/Suicide = The Liberal/European/U.N. position that the U.S. must take a first strike before attacking its enemies.....As opposed to the Doctrine of Preemption.
Donkey in Elephant's Clothing = RINO's......."Republicans in Name Only," who have more in common with Democrats than the Republican Party.
The Dragon = China
Dr. H/Super Big Mutha = The hydrogen bomb..........I think it's pretty obvious why.
Dr. Ill = Kim Jong Il --> Often called the "Little Paranoid" as well.
DSP/Democrat Socialist Party = The goal of the New Democrats, who are taking the traditional Democrat Party further and further from its American roots, and closer to its Socialist future.
The Duke of Chappaquiddick Bay/The Killa = Sen. Ted Kennedy (D'u' - Mass).........Duh!
The Eagle = The United States
The End Game = Saudi Arabia.......The Global War on Terror will be fought in many locations and on many fields, will not be won till the House of Saud is eliminated. Which makes Saudi Arabia the End Game.
The Enemy Within = Americans working to destroy the traditional greatness and dominance of the U.S. (politically, economically, militarily, and the Judeo-Christian nature of American society) --> Including (but not limitted to in any way) the ACLU, National Lawyers Guild, Hollywood Idiots, EnvironMENTALists, Gay Activists, etc., etc., etc........An unnatural enemy, but one which has grown out of American Liberalism.
The Enemy Without = Non-Americans working to destroy the U.S. --> Islamists, International Communists, Illegal Aliens, etc., etc., etc...........All of our natural enemies.
EnvironMENTALists/MENTALISTS = I think this one speeks for itself.
European Mexicans = Muslims........Just as the U.S. is being overrun by Mexican immigration, Europe is being overrun by Muslim immigration.
Evolution from Creation Theory = The belief that life came for an original creator, and it's growth and spread went through (is going throug) a constant process of evolution.....As a principle it holds both Creation and Evolution as truths, instead of mutually exclusive.
False Prophet = Mohammad.......A real prophet would have devised a 'religion of peace,' not a cult of death and conquest.
Fat Field Marshal = Hermann Goering. Pain killer adict, and overall POS........Successor designate No. 1 to Hitler; Reich Minister for Air; President of the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the Reich; member of the Secret Cabinet Council; Reich Forest Master; Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force; Prime Minister of Prussia; President of the Prussian State Council; President of the Reichstag; Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan; Head of the "Reichswerke Hermann Goering"; Reichsmarschall; SS Obergruppenfuehrer; SA- Obergruppenfuehrer.
Fence Sitters = The 20% of Americans who are not party loyalists [(R) or (D)], and even moreso the many, many Americans who have no interest in politics at all.......Unfortunately it is this group with often decides elections, which makes them an extremely powerful group.
Fetal Execution/Prenatal Execution = Abortion
Fools on the Hill = All of the members of Congress (House and Senate, Republican and Democrat), along with the vulturous lobbyists infecting America's Capitol.
Fort Marcy Park = Where Vince Foster's dead body was found.....Often referrenced in relation to someone being Fosterized.
Fosterize = A political killing, in referrence to the death of Vince Foster.......Who was "allegedly" (wink, wink) taken out by the Clintons.
The Framers = The brilliant men who created the U.S. Constitution.
Frankensteinians = Often referrenced with Mengelians, or any doctors playing with human-beings in the goal of creating their own scientific "miracles"......Playing God.
Fritigern = King of the Goths at the time of the Battle of Adrianople, who double-crossed the Romans and destroyed three Roman Legions, creating a military and political void between the Roman Empire and the barbarians.........Often used as a reference for Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, who is performing exactly the same type of double-cross without a battle.
Gang of Seven/Ship of Fools = The seven Republican senators who stabbed Bush in the back during the 2005 judicial nomination process...Most have heard of the Gang of 14, but the seven Democrats did as expected. They acted as SOB's. This was not foreseen for the Republicans. --> John S. McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Warner, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Michael DeWine, Lincoln Chafee
The Gift That Keeps On Giving = Howard Dean.......The longer he is DNC Chairman the better for Republicans.
GLBTTBNP = Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Try-Sexual, Bestial, Necrophilia, Pedophilia --> The kings of Normoville
Goebbels Award (MS) = Named after infamous Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels --> Given to the greatest of the modern-day propagandameisters.
Gollum/Smeagol = James Carville........Not only does he look like him, but he also acts like him. And his "precious" is the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
Goths = They came to Rome to settle, and eventually conquered the Empire through demographics...This term goes for any group who comes to America to do likewise --> Particulary the Mexicans.
Goths on Wheels = Mexicans coming to the U.S. under the trade cover provided by NAFTA, or other bad trade agreements that allow foreigners to invade at will.
The Grand Cyclops/Senator KKK/KKK Byrd = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" (niggra) in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Groningeners/Groningen Protocol = Taken from the Dutch doctors who are executing imperfect children. --> Modern-day eugenic psyschopaths, specializing in 'post-term abortions'
GWOT = Global War on Terror
The Hangman's Judge/Roland Freisler = One of Hitler's Henchmen, and Head of the Reich Ministry of Justice (one of the great oxymorons of all time) and President of the German People's Court.
Hitler's Henchmen = Goerring, Himmler, Borman, Heydrich, Speer, Eichmann, Mengele, etc.
Hitler's in Headscarfs (MS) = Muslim terrorists, particularly those wishing to destroy Israel...Which means all of them.
Huns & Vandals = They came to Rome to rape, pillage and destroy...This term goes for any group who comes to America to do likewise. --> Particularly the Islamists.
The Idiots on the Hill = The politicians, lobbyists, and snakes which inhabit Washington D.C. and our Federal Government.
Il Duce/The Paperboy = Benito Mussolini....Until WWI, he was the editor of the Italian Socialist Party newsletter "Avanti", and after WWI founded the newsletter "Il Populo d'Italia."
The Irreplaceable Man = George Washington....Without his generalship and presidency there wouldn't be an America as we know it. As such he is the Father of our Country and also the greatest American.
Islamists/Jihadists = Radical Muslims making war on the world; primarily Western Civilization and India..........All Muslims?? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.
Izvestia West/Pravda West = NY Times, LA Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Washington Post, etc., etc..........Any of the various Leftist newspapers/magazines dotting the American landscape --> Pravda was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Izvestia expressed the official views of the Soviet government
Jackals with (D)'s on their backs = Howling Democrats.
JFK Democrats = Americans who have been loyal to the Democrat Party since the days of John F. Kennedy. Democrats like my mother....Sadly, these Democrats are used as simple pawns by a party which has changed to a point it has little to nothing in common with the Democrats of JFK's day. Especially in the matter of National Defense and anti-Communism/Socialism.
Jihadistan/Crapistan = The various lands of the Religion of Piece...Often referred to as Crapistan as well --> The Middle East, SW Asia, Indonesia, etc.
Jihadists/Islamists = Radical Muslims making war on the world; primarily Western Civilization and India..........All Muslims?? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Jokers = Usually referencing one or both of the Jokers in the Deck of Weasels (Jimmy Carter and Jesse Jackson).........But could referrence a multitude of morons.
The Killa/The Duke of Chappaquiddick Bay = Sen. Ted Kennedy (D'u' - Mass).........Duh!
KKK Byrd/The Grand Cyclops/Senator KKK = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" (niggra) in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Koffee Cup = Kofi Annan, disgraced (and disgraceful) U.N. General Secretary.
KVCh = The Soviet Cultural-Education Department (Kulturno-Vospitatelnaya Chast)
Land of Godlessness = Europe...Which long ago took the route of absolute secularism.
Land of the Looney Left/Liberalville = The utopian land in the mind of Liberals........A bizarre place where nothing is off-limits, except religion, pro-American beliefs, heterosexuality, Conservatism and decency of any kind.
Leftist = A political inclination, leaning past Liberals, and heading towards (or actually purport) Communism
Leni Riefenstahl Award = Named after the infamous Nazi film-maker, and propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl....Given to the greatest of the modern-day Hollywood (movie and TV) propagandists.
Lenin of the Middle East = Ayatollah Khomeini, father of the Iranian Revolution and Islamic Fundamentalist Movement.
Lenin of the West = Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan dictator......By far the most powerful and influential Leftist leader in the Western Hemisphere.
liberal (small "l") = Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others --> Although I am a 'big-C' and 'small-c' Conservative, I'm also proud to call my self a 'small-l' liberal.........In no way am I a 'big-L' Liberal though.
Liberals (big "L") = A political inclination, leaning to the Left and holding Socialist views, and getting close to Communist views........Often "so open minded their brains have fallen out" (author unknown).
Liberalville/Land of the Looney Left = The utopian land in the mind of Liberals........A bizarre place where nothing is off-limits, except religion, pro-American beliefs, heterosexuality, Conservatism and decency of any kind.
Libyan Drag Queen/QaDaffy = Libyan dictator Muammar Al-Qaddafi.......What kind of dictator keeps the rank of Colonel?? And what kind of dictator dresses like a tranny?
Lost Generation = The children of the 60's.......How America went straight from the "Greatest Generation" (WWII) to this pathetic mess is amazing. --> Sadly, this generation has produced another which might make it look tame.
Lunatic Fringe = The disconnected portion of the political circle/spectrum......Between Left and Right (not the Center). Go to this link to get a visual of the Political Circle. More or less a place of inconsistent/unrecognizable politics, or anarchy.
Mahmoud and the Mullahs = Sounds like a 50's rock and roll band, but it's not......The reference is regarding Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian mullahs (religious leaders).
Mahmoud, Son of Xerxes (HH) = Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.......Nutjob extraordinaire.
Mainstream in Liberalville = Quite possibly the scariest place imaginable --> A place where anything goes, except religion, and home of the unAmerican and deviant.
Man of Steel = Joseph Stalin.........Born to the name of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Stalin changed his name during his early years. He couldn't have picked a more appropriate one.
Mengelians/Mengele's Successors = Any of the various insane science projects infecting the world. --> Suicide Docs, Embrionic Stem-Cell Researchers, Cloners, etc.
MENTALISTS/EnvironMENTALists = I think this one speeks for itself.
Mexican Reconquista = The Mexican process of conquering the U.S. through immigraton and reproduction........It is completely preventable, but the U.S. seems unwilling to learn from the past: Goth conquest of the West Roman Empire. --> It should be noted the Europe has the same problem with the Demographic Jihad.
Mongrel/Niggra = Terms Sen. Robert Byrd (D -WV) has used on the U.S. Senate floor referenceing American Blacks.
Monroe Doctrine (1823) = The dominant American international policy of the early republic.......Stating the U.S. would not accept the interference of European (any non-American) powers and politics in the Western Hemisphere.
Mother of the Circle Jerk Group = The League of Nations...Possibly the only organization more useless than the U.N.
MSM/Old Media = Any of the pre-internet news sources...Primarily print and TV
Muslim Pinata = A favorite game at Muslim celebrations, where a human being is hung upside-down, and their head is cut off with a machete...The Spanish pinata has candy fall out, this one has brains, intestines, etc.
NAMBLA = North American Man Boy Love Association --> It's hard to believe, but this is an actual group, and is a huge supporter of the Democrat Party.
The National Noose = Social Security, which is a rope around the collective necks of the American people.......Who knows when the pressure of the noose will snap the neck, killing the body.
New Democrats = The modern-day Democrat Party, led by the values of Michael Moore (Hollywood elites), George Soros (billionairre international Socialists), The Daily Koz (anarchists), Howard Dean (lunatic politicians), etc., on it's way to becoming the Democrat Socialist Party, and turning away from its traditional roots as the party of FDR and JFK......Some of it's favorite ideals are: Terrorist appeasement, gay marriage, welfare, abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy, anti-religion, pro-U.N./anti-America, Global Warming/Cooling wolf-crying, Mengelian science, etc., etc., etc.
New Media = Interet and AM talk radio
New Nixon (HH) = Sen. Joseph Biden (D - Delaware)
Niggra/Mongrel = Terms Sen. Robert Byrd (D -WV) has used on the U.S. Senate floor referenceing American Blacks.
Normals = Normal heterosexual human beings
Normos = Any sexual deviant, hetero, homo or otherwise --> GLBTTBNP's, etc.
Not-So-Crazy Joe = Sen. Joe McCarthy.....Who has been proven correct in his assessment of Communists in the State Department and Hollywood. --> It's too bad HUAC was shut down, and it's too bad the senator went too far by attacking the Military.
NOW = National Organization for Women.........The name of the group is a good concept, but the reality is the group is a radical feminist, man hating, Liberal insane assylum.
Nuke LaDuche/Puppet Boy = Tim Robbins, who's ass is the permanent home for the Puppet Master's hand........The Nuke referrence is a play on his name in "Bull Durham".
Old Democrats = FDR and JFK Democrats........As opposed to the New Democrats, which are Michael Moore and George Soros Democrats.
Old Media/MSM = Any of the pre-internet news sources...Primarily print and TV
One Bullet Man = Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.....Given this name because Pakistan is 'one bullet' to the head of Musharraf from having a Muslim Fundamentalist government. --> And don't forget, Pakistan has nukes and advanced missile delivery systems.
Operation Barbarossa/Barbarossa = The WWII, German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941).
OTM's = "Other Than Mexicans"......Regarding illegal aliens who aren't Mexicans sneaking into the U.S. Particularly Islamists with bad intentions.
Our National Shame/Prenatal Holocaust = 40,000,000+ abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade...........Even crazier, there are almost this many per year in the rest of the world.
The Paperboy/Il Duce = Benito Mussolini....Until WWI, he was the editor of the Italian Socialist Party newlettter "Avanti", and after WWI founded the newsletter "Il Populo d'Italia"
PBA = Partial Birth Abortion......Induce childbirth, turn the child breech, deliver till the shoulders come out, leave the head in, poke a hole in the skull, suck the brain out. --> A legitimate procedure in Liberalville. The Peanut Farmer = Jimmy Carter........Nothing wrong with being a peanut farmer, but Jimmy's went out of his way to glorify his young life we just call him by that name.
Penn'cilhead' (MS) = Sean Penn.....One of the top Hollywood Idiots, and son of Communist scum. --> Too bad there's not a modern-day McCarthy to crush Penn, just as his father was by Not-So-Crazy Joe.
Pero = "pen" in Russian --> Poison Pero = Poison Pen
Pero Doctrine = A combination of the Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Truman Doctine and the Bush Doctrine.........A warning and a threat against those wishing to do the U.S. harm (terrorists, Communists, subversives, etc.), by spreading their ideology and hate for the U.S. --> Particulary, but not limited to, those attempting to do so in and through the Western Hemisphere.
Peroville = The home of "The Right is Right," "Liberal Jackass Quotes of the Day," "This Day in History," and the "Medal of Honor" blogs......A place where few reside, but those who truly do will find absolute brilliance.
Political Circle = A variation of the political spectrum........Go to this link to see the circle.
Political Indentured Servitude = The incredibly successful scheme the Democrats have established and used to keep minorities tied to the Democrat Party Plantation, by keeping them down and dependant on the Government, while blaming Republicans for the perpetual state of poverty among minorities. --> It is the most brilliant and successful scheme in the history of American politics.
POS = Piece of Shit......Duh
Post-Term Abortions = Usually performed by Groningers, but also by parents who've lost their minds and killed their children.
Pravda West/Izvestia West = NY Times, LA Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Washington Post, etc., etc..........Any of the various Leftist newspapers/magazines dotting the American landscape --> Pravda was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Izvestia expressed the official views of the Soviet government.
Prenatal Execution/Fetal Execution = Abortion
Prenatal Holocaust/Our National Shame = 40,000,000+ abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade...........Even crazier, there are almost this many per year in the rest of the world.
Prison Mule = The biggest, baddest SOB in prison (in many ways), who likes taking the anal virginity (or not) of his fellow prisoners. --> Often wished upon sex offenders.
Puppet Boy/Nuke LaLoosh = Tim Robbins, who's ass is the permanent home for the Puppet Master's hand........The Nuke referrence is his name in "Bull Durham".
Puppet Master = Susan Sarandon, who uses her wuss-bag husband (Robbins) as a virtual handpuppet to spew out ridiculous Liberal mantras.
QaDaffy/Libyan Drag Queen = Libyan dictator Muammar Al-Qaddafi.......What kind of dictator keeps the rank of Colonel?? And what kind of dictator dresses like a tranny?
(R)'s = Republicans
Rainbowers = The first 5/8ths of the GLBTTBNP's.....Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Trangendered and Try-Sexuals.
Rape-the-Nation (MS) = What the professional race-baiters look to do when speaking of "reparations" for Blacks, as a payback for the misdeeds of Whites in the past.
RBG/The Deviant Justice = Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg --> The Deviant Justice
RDDB's/Red Diaper Doper Babies (MS) - Usually lawyers who grew up with Communist parents, and proceded to get worse by smoking pot.
Red Bastards = Communists, Leftists, Marxists, Maoists, many Democrats, etc.
Religion of Piece (of Crap)/POS = Islam. --> Anything but a Religion of Peace.
Reverse Racism/Affirmative Racism = Affirmative Action.........Payback for the sins of our great-great grandfathers. Even for those who's lineage had nothing to do with slavery or the oppression of Blacks.
RINO = Republican in Name Only
Roland Freisler/The Hangman's Judge = One of Hitler's Henchmen, and Head of the Reich Ministry of Justice (one of the great oxymorons of all time) and President of the German People's Court.
Roosevelt Corollary (TR, 1904) = An extension of the Monroe Doctrine, declaring U.S. hegemony in the Western Hemisphere........Ecomomically, poitically, militarily, etc.
Roosevelt Democrats = Americans who have been loyal to the Democrat Party since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Democrats like my grandparents....Sadly, these Democrats are used as simple pawns by a party which has changed to a point it has little to nothing in common with the Democrats of FDR's day. Especially in the matter of National Defense.
Rule #1 of Invasions = Kill the enemy on the beach/at the border.......Conquest doesn't have to come from military sources, it can also come from demographic and undermining sources. Ask the Romans (Goth) or the Indians of the Western hemisphere.
The Scarlet Hammer and Sickle = A modern version of the Scarlet Letter, identifying American Liberals.....A horrible tag, and one avoided like the plague by American politicians. Particularly Democrats.
SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States
Senator KKK/The Grand Cyclops/KKK Byrd = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Shanks = The prison killer....Often prayed for to kill psychotic murderers, pedophiles and rapists who either didn't recieve a death penalty or will have to wait decades to be executed.
Sheethead/Shiitehead = Muslim shitheads........Sunni, Shiite or otherwise.
Ship of Fools/Ship of Fools = The seven Republican senators who stabbed Bush in the back during the 2005 judicial nomination process...Most have heard of the Gang of 14, but the seven Democrats did as expected. They acted as SOB's. This was not foreseen for the Republicans. --> John S. McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Warner, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Michael DeWine, Lincoln Chafee.
The Shitty = San Francisco, which is hardly "The City," unless it is claiming the title for degenercy.
Smeagol/Gollum = James Carville........Not only does he look like him, but he also acts like him. And his "precious" is the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
Sodom = Usually refers to Sadam Hussein, but can also mean San Fransisco.
Suicide Ticket = The Democrat Party, who's foreign policy platform will get us killed if we vote for them. (HH)
Super Big Mutha/Dr. H = The hydrogen bomb..........I think it's pretty obvious why.
Supremes = Supreme Court justices. As a group or individually.
Truman Doctrine (1947) - The dominant American foreign policy of the second half of the 20th Century, calling for U.S. aid to countries threatened by Communist revolution.
Turd World = Known by many as the 3rd World........Mine is much more appropriate.
Twilight Zone = Anywhere bizarre events happen.....Click Here to hear it.
Uncle Joe = Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin.........The enemy of our enemy, therefore our ally in WWII.
Unit 731 - Imperial Japanese biological warfare and human experimentation unit, located in Manchuria/Northern China......It was disguised as a water purification unit to avoid exposure, and because they knew Allied bombers wouldn't attack it as such.
The Useless/ACLU(seless)/ACLU(SSR) = The American Civil Liberties Union (??, what a farce of a name).........The greatest subversive entity in the U.S, which makes it the top "Enemy Within"
Wicked Witch of the East = Sen. Hillary Clinton (D - NY)
Wicked Witch of the West = Rep. Nancy Pelosi (House Minority Leader, D - CA)
Wolves in White Lab Coats = Death doctors......Primarily Groningeners and abortionists, but also includes Mengelian scientists.
Wonderland = Referrencing the classic tale of "Alice in Wonderland"...But instead of going down the "rabbit hole" it means going down the 'toilet bowl'.
XX-Chromosomer = Girls, Women
XXY-Chromosomer = Trannies, Crossdressers, Shemales, etc.
XY-Chromosomer = Boys, Men
(DP) = Dennis Prager
(HH) = Hugh Hewitt
(MS) = Michael Savage
Deck of Weasels = 54 Liberal America Haters.......Listed mockingly in a deck of cards produced by Newsmax.
Colors Used to Identify Words/Phrases
Blue = American, Conservative, Normal, etc........I also used blue to note the Republican Party, even though the media has used red to note the party in elections. I do so because I refuse to fall into the trap of those trying to hide the Democrats from the reality of their Leftist/Red agenda.
Red = America-Haters, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Normos, and a huge variety of degenerates......I also used red to note the Democrat Party, even though the media has used blue to note the party in elections. I do so because I refuse to fall into the trap of those trying to hide the Democrats from the reality of their Leftist/Red agenda.
Green = Islam, Muslims
Purple = Politically neutral..........Blue + Red = Purple.
Yellow = Gay Muslims...........Red + Green.
??-Chromosomer = Normos
# of Clubs = Media Maniacs in the Deck of Weasels
# of Diamonds = American Politicians in the Deck of Weasels
# of Hearts = Hollywood Idiots in the Deck of Weasels
# of Spades = International Leaders in the Deck of Weasels
A-Mad-Jihad (MS) = Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
ACLU(seless)/ACLU(SSR)/The Useless = The American Civil Liberties Union (??, what a farce of a name).........The greatest subversive entity in the U.S, which makes it the top "Enemy Within."
Adrianople = The Battle of Adrianople was the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire, ending in a slaughter of Roman troops at the hands of the Goths, which laid the Empire open to assault, demographic change, adn eventually conquest.
Affirmative Racism/Reverse Racism = Affirmative Action.........Payback for the sins of our great-great grandfathers. Even for those who's lineage had nothing to do with slavery or the oppression of Blacks.
Ahmadine-Whack Job (Michael Medved) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad......The "whack job" reference is obvious.
Alphabet Networks (MS) = ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc.
America's Manifest Destiny = The traditional definition is the conquest of the current territoy of the Continental U.S.......Pero's definition includes space.
ANWAR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge......North America's largest oil field, located in northern Alaska.
Axis of Evil = Iran, North Korea, and pre-liberation Iraq........Defined by President GW Bush in his 2002 State of the Union Speech.
Axis of Lunatics = The 'Axis of Evil" plus their lunatic world partners........Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, etc.
Barbarossa/Operation Barbarossa = The WWII, German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941).
The Beast = Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe.
BlewClinsky (H. Stern) = Monica did what to Bill?? --> I think you can figure this one out on your own.
Brokebacker = Gays
Bush Doctrine (2001)/Doctrine of Preemption = A doctrine of preemption against those who wish to do harm to the U.S, and those who harbor them.....Included is the right to unilateral action if needed, the policy of keeping U.S. Military beyond challenge (conventional or unconventional), and the policy of promoting democracy throughout the world.
C-in-C/CINC = Commander in Chief........President of the United States, or various regional military commanders.
CAIR = Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Catholic-by-Osmosis = My religious affliliation, through my wife and children. Even though I am not a Christian......The ascendence of Pope Bennedict has made this bond even stronger.
The Chicken Farmer = Heinrich Himmler, who was a chicken farmer prior to becoming one of Hitlers leading henchmen.
Circle Jerk Group = The United Nations...I'll leave this one to your imagination.
Clauswitz/Pero Corollary = "WAR is the continuation of POLITICS by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz
"POLITICS is the continuation of WAR by other means." - Poison Pero
conservative (small "c") = Favoring traditional views and values, moderate or cautious
Conservative (big "C") = A political inclination, leaning to the right and holding conservative views. --> Although I am a 'big-C' and 'small-c' Conservative, I'm also proud to call my self a 'small-l' liberal.........In no way am I a 'big-L' Liberal though.
Conservative-Lite - Weak Conservatives, but not quite RINO's........IE: G.W. Bush and John McCain.
Conservative Litmus Test = If Ted Kennedy/Jimmy Carter likes it, Conservatives should hate it......And vice versa.
Crapistan (MS)/Jihadistan = The various lands of the Religion of Piece...Often referred to as Jihadistan as well --> The Middle East, SW Asia, Indonesia, etc.
(D)'s = Democrats
(D)'s-in-(R)'s Clothing = RINO's......Liberal Republicans who are mis-cast and should be Democrats.
Democide = The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.......Go to the Democide Homepage.
Democrat Party Plantation = The state of helplessness many minorities feel tied to, which keeps them dependant on the Government and Democrat Party.........The tool of the Party is the system of Political Indentured Servitude.
Democrat Socialist Party/DSP = The goal of the New Democrats, who are taking the traditional Democrat Party further and further from its American roots, and closer to its Socialist future.
Demographic Jihad = The Muslim process of conquering Europe through immigraton and reproduction........It is completely preventable, but Europe seems unwilling to learn from the past: Goth conquest of the West Roman Empire. --> It should be noted the U.S. has the same problem with the Mexican Reconquista.
The Deviant Justice/RBG = Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg --> RBG
DGSOS (Lt. Gen. Russel Honore) = Don't Get Stuck on Stupid --> Possibly my favorite quote ever.
Doctrine of Preemption/Bush Doctrine (2001) = A doctrine of preemption against those who wish to do harm to the U.S, and those who harbor them.....Included is the right to unilateral action if needed, the policy of keeping U.S. Military beyond challenge (conventional or unconventional), and the policy of promoting democracy throughout the world.
Doctrine of Stupidity/Suicide = The Liberal/European/U.N. position that the U.S. must take a first strike before attacking its enemies.....As opposed to the Doctrine of Preemption.
Donkey in Elephant's Clothing = RINO's......."Republicans in Name Only," who have more in common with Democrats than the Republican Party.
The Dragon = China
Dr. H/Super Big Mutha = The hydrogen bomb..........I think it's pretty obvious why.
Dr. Ill = Kim Jong Il --> Often called the "Little Paranoid" as well.
DSP/Democrat Socialist Party = The goal of the New Democrats, who are taking the traditional Democrat Party further and further from its American roots, and closer to its Socialist future.
The Duke of Chappaquiddick Bay/The Killa = Sen. Ted Kennedy (D'u' - Mass).........Duh!
The Eagle = The United States
The End Game = Saudi Arabia.......The Global War on Terror will be fought in many locations and on many fields, will not be won till the House of Saud is eliminated. Which makes Saudi Arabia the End Game.
The Enemy Within = Americans working to destroy the traditional greatness and dominance of the U.S. (politically, economically, militarily, and the Judeo-Christian nature of American society) --> Including (but not limitted to in any way) the ACLU, National Lawyers Guild, Hollywood Idiots, EnvironMENTALists, Gay Activists, etc., etc., etc........An unnatural enemy, but one which has grown out of American Liberalism.
The Enemy Without = Non-Americans working to destroy the U.S. --> Islamists, International Communists, Illegal Aliens, etc., etc., etc...........All of our natural enemies.
EnvironMENTALists/MENTALISTS = I think this one speeks for itself.
European Mexicans = Muslims........Just as the U.S. is being overrun by Mexican immigration, Europe is being overrun by Muslim immigration.
Evolution from Creation Theory = The belief that life came for an original creator, and it's growth and spread went through (is going throug) a constant process of evolution.....As a principle it holds both Creation and Evolution as truths, instead of mutually exclusive.
False Prophet = Mohammad.......A real prophet would have devised a 'religion of peace,' not a cult of death and conquest.
Fat Field Marshal = Hermann Goering. Pain killer adict, and overall POS........Successor designate No. 1 to Hitler; Reich Minister for Air; President of the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the Reich; member of the Secret Cabinet Council; Reich Forest Master; Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force; Prime Minister of Prussia; President of the Prussian State Council; President of the Reichstag; Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan; Head of the "Reichswerke Hermann Goering"; Reichsmarschall; SS Obergruppenfuehrer; SA- Obergruppenfuehrer.
Fence Sitters = The 20% of Americans who are not party loyalists [(R) or (D)], and even moreso the many, many Americans who have no interest in politics at all.......Unfortunately it is this group with often decides elections, which makes them an extremely powerful group.
Fetal Execution/Prenatal Execution = Abortion
Fools on the Hill = All of the members of Congress (House and Senate, Republican and Democrat), along with the vulturous lobbyists infecting America's Capitol.
Fort Marcy Park = Where Vince Foster's dead body was found.....Often referrenced in relation to someone being Fosterized.
Fosterize = A political killing, in referrence to the death of Vince Foster.......Who was "allegedly" (wink, wink) taken out by the Clintons.
The Framers = The brilliant men who created the U.S. Constitution.
Frankensteinians = Often referrenced with Mengelians, or any doctors playing with human-beings in the goal of creating their own scientific "miracles"......Playing God.
Fritigern = King of the Goths at the time of the Battle of Adrianople, who double-crossed the Romans and destroyed three Roman Legions, creating a military and political void between the Roman Empire and the barbarians.........Often used as a reference for Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, who is performing exactly the same type of double-cross without a battle.
Gang of Seven/Ship of Fools = The seven Republican senators who stabbed Bush in the back during the 2005 judicial nomination process...Most have heard of the Gang of 14, but the seven Democrats did as expected. They acted as SOB's. This was not foreseen for the Republicans. --> John S. McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Warner, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Michael DeWine, Lincoln Chafee
The Gift That Keeps On Giving = Howard Dean.......The longer he is DNC Chairman the better for Republicans.
GLBTTBNP = Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Try-Sexual, Bestial, Necrophilia, Pedophilia --> The kings of Normoville
Goebbels Award (MS) = Named after infamous Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels --> Given to the greatest of the modern-day propagandameisters.
Gollum/Smeagol = James Carville........Not only does he look like him, but he also acts like him. And his "precious" is the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
Goths = They came to Rome to settle, and eventually conquered the Empire through demographics...This term goes for any group who comes to America to do likewise --> Particulary the Mexicans.
Goths on Wheels = Mexicans coming to the U.S. under the trade cover provided by NAFTA, or other bad trade agreements that allow foreigners to invade at will.
The Grand Cyclops/Senator KKK/KKK Byrd = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" (niggra) in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Groningeners/Groningen Protocol = Taken from the Dutch doctors who are executing imperfect children. --> Modern-day eugenic psyschopaths, specializing in 'post-term abortions'
GWOT = Global War on Terror
The Hangman's Judge/Roland Freisler = One of Hitler's Henchmen, and Head of the Reich Ministry of Justice (one of the great oxymorons of all time) and President of the German People's Court.
Hitler's Henchmen = Goerring, Himmler, Borman, Heydrich, Speer, Eichmann, Mengele, etc.
Hitler's in Headscarfs (MS) = Muslim terrorists, particularly those wishing to destroy Israel...Which means all of them.
Huns & Vandals = They came to Rome to rape, pillage and destroy...This term goes for any group who comes to America to do likewise. --> Particularly the Islamists.
The Idiots on the Hill = The politicians, lobbyists, and snakes which inhabit Washington D.C. and our Federal Government.
Il Duce/The Paperboy = Benito Mussolini....Until WWI, he was the editor of the Italian Socialist Party newsletter "Avanti", and after WWI founded the newsletter "Il Populo d'Italia."
The Irreplaceable Man = George Washington....Without his generalship and presidency there wouldn't be an America as we know it. As such he is the Father of our Country and also the greatest American.
Islamists/Jihadists = Radical Muslims making war on the world; primarily Western Civilization and India..........All Muslims?? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.
Izvestia West/Pravda West = NY Times, LA Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Washington Post, etc., etc..........Any of the various Leftist newspapers/magazines dotting the American landscape --> Pravda was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Izvestia expressed the official views of the Soviet government
Jackals with (D)'s on their backs = Howling Democrats.
JFK Democrats = Americans who have been loyal to the Democrat Party since the days of John F. Kennedy. Democrats like my mother....Sadly, these Democrats are used as simple pawns by a party which has changed to a point it has little to nothing in common with the Democrats of JFK's day. Especially in the matter of National Defense and anti-Communism/Socialism.
Jihadistan/Crapistan = The various lands of the Religion of Piece...Often referred to as Crapistan as well --> The Middle East, SW Asia, Indonesia, etc.
Jihadists/Islamists = Radical Muslims making war on the world; primarily Western Civilization and India..........All Muslims?? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Jokers = Usually referencing one or both of the Jokers in the Deck of Weasels (Jimmy Carter and Jesse Jackson).........But could referrence a multitude of morons.
The Killa/The Duke of Chappaquiddick Bay = Sen. Ted Kennedy (D'u' - Mass).........Duh!
KKK Byrd/The Grand Cyclops/Senator KKK = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" (niggra) in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Koffee Cup = Kofi Annan, disgraced (and disgraceful) U.N. General Secretary.
KVCh = The Soviet Cultural-Education Department (Kulturno-Vospitatelnaya Chast)
Land of Godlessness = Europe...Which long ago took the route of absolute secularism.
Land of the Looney Left/Liberalville = The utopian land in the mind of Liberals........A bizarre place where nothing is off-limits, except religion, pro-American beliefs, heterosexuality, Conservatism and decency of any kind.
Leftist = A political inclination, leaning past Liberals, and heading towards (or actually purport) Communism
Leni Riefenstahl Award = Named after the infamous Nazi film-maker, and propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl....Given to the greatest of the modern-day Hollywood (movie and TV) propagandists.
Lenin of the Middle East = Ayatollah Khomeini, father of the Iranian Revolution and Islamic Fundamentalist Movement.
Lenin of the West = Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan dictator......By far the most powerful and influential Leftist leader in the Western Hemisphere.
liberal (small "l") = Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others --> Although I am a 'big-C' and 'small-c' Conservative, I'm also proud to call my self a 'small-l' liberal.........In no way am I a 'big-L' Liberal though.
Liberals (big "L") = A political inclination, leaning to the Left and holding Socialist views, and getting close to Communist views........Often "so open minded their brains have fallen out" (author unknown).
Liberalville/Land of the Looney Left = The utopian land in the mind of Liberals........A bizarre place where nothing is off-limits, except religion, pro-American beliefs, heterosexuality, Conservatism and decency of any kind.
Libyan Drag Queen/QaDaffy = Libyan dictator Muammar Al-Qaddafi.......What kind of dictator keeps the rank of Colonel?? And what kind of dictator dresses like a tranny?
Lost Generation = The children of the 60's.......How America went straight from the "Greatest Generation" (WWII) to this pathetic mess is amazing. --> Sadly, this generation has produced another which might make it look tame.
Lunatic Fringe = The disconnected portion of the political circle/spectrum......Between Left and Right (not the Center). Go to this link to get a visual of the Political Circle. More or less a place of inconsistent/unrecognizable politics, or anarchy.
Mahmoud and the Mullahs = Sounds like a 50's rock and roll band, but it's not......The reference is regarding Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian mullahs (religious leaders).
Mahmoud, Son of Xerxes (HH) = Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.......Nutjob extraordinaire.
Mainstream in Liberalville = Quite possibly the scariest place imaginable --> A place where anything goes, except religion, and home of the unAmerican and deviant.
Man of Steel = Joseph Stalin.........Born to the name of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Stalin changed his name during his early years. He couldn't have picked a more appropriate one.
Mengelians/Mengele's Successors = Any of the various insane science projects infecting the world. --> Suicide Docs, Embrionic Stem-Cell Researchers, Cloners, etc.
MENTALISTS/EnvironMENTALists = I think this one speeks for itself.
Mexican Reconquista = The Mexican process of conquering the U.S. through immigraton and reproduction........It is completely preventable, but the U.S. seems unwilling to learn from the past: Goth conquest of the West Roman Empire. --> It should be noted the Europe has the same problem with the Demographic Jihad.
Mongrel/Niggra = Terms Sen. Robert Byrd (D -WV) has used on the U.S. Senate floor referenceing American Blacks.
Monroe Doctrine (1823) = The dominant American international policy of the early republic.......Stating the U.S. would not accept the interference of European (any non-American) powers and politics in the Western Hemisphere.
Mother of the Circle Jerk Group = The League of Nations...Possibly the only organization more useless than the U.N.
MSM/Old Media = Any of the pre-internet news sources...Primarily print and TV
Muslim Pinata = A favorite game at Muslim celebrations, where a human being is hung upside-down, and their head is cut off with a machete...The Spanish pinata has candy fall out, this one has brains, intestines, etc.
NAMBLA = North American Man Boy Love Association --> It's hard to believe, but this is an actual group, and is a huge supporter of the Democrat Party.
The National Noose = Social Security, which is a rope around the collective necks of the American people.......Who knows when the pressure of the noose will snap the neck, killing the body.
New Democrats = The modern-day Democrat Party, led by the values of Michael Moore (Hollywood elites), George Soros (billionairre international Socialists), The Daily Koz (anarchists), Howard Dean (lunatic politicians), etc., on it's way to becoming the Democrat Socialist Party, and turning away from its traditional roots as the party of FDR and JFK......Some of it's favorite ideals are: Terrorist appeasement, gay marriage, welfare, abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy, anti-religion, pro-U.N./anti-America, Global Warming/Cooling wolf-crying, Mengelian science, etc., etc., etc.
New Media = Interet and AM talk radio
New Nixon (HH) = Sen. Joseph Biden (D - Delaware)
Niggra/Mongrel = Terms Sen. Robert Byrd (D -WV) has used on the U.S. Senate floor referenceing American Blacks.
Normals = Normal heterosexual human beings
Normos = Any sexual deviant, hetero, homo or otherwise --> GLBTTBNP's, etc.
Not-So-Crazy Joe = Sen. Joe McCarthy.....Who has been proven correct in his assessment of Communists in the State Department and Hollywood. --> It's too bad HUAC was shut down, and it's too bad the senator went too far by attacking the Military.
NOW = National Organization for Women.........The name of the group is a good concept, but the reality is the group is a radical feminist, man hating, Liberal insane assylum.
Nuke LaDuche/Puppet Boy = Tim Robbins, who's ass is the permanent home for the Puppet Master's hand........The Nuke referrence is a play on his name in "Bull Durham".
Old Democrats = FDR and JFK Democrats........As opposed to the New Democrats, which are Michael Moore and George Soros Democrats.
Old Media/MSM = Any of the pre-internet news sources...Primarily print and TV
One Bullet Man = Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.....Given this name because Pakistan is 'one bullet' to the head of Musharraf from having a Muslim Fundamentalist government. --> And don't forget, Pakistan has nukes and advanced missile delivery systems.
Operation Barbarossa/Barbarossa = The WWII, German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941).
OTM's = "Other Than Mexicans"......Regarding illegal aliens who aren't Mexicans sneaking into the U.S. Particularly Islamists with bad intentions.
Our National Shame/Prenatal Holocaust = 40,000,000+ abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade...........Even crazier, there are almost this many per year in the rest of the world.
The Paperboy/Il Duce = Benito Mussolini....Until WWI, he was the editor of the Italian Socialist Party newlettter "Avanti", and after WWI founded the newsletter "Il Populo d'Italia"
PBA = Partial Birth Abortion......Induce childbirth, turn the child breech, deliver till the shoulders come out, leave the head in, poke a hole in the skull, suck the brain out. --> A legitimate procedure in Liberalville. The Peanut Farmer = Jimmy Carter........Nothing wrong with being a peanut farmer, but Jimmy's went out of his way to glorify his young life we just call him by that name.
Penn'cilhead' (MS) = Sean Penn.....One of the top Hollywood Idiots, and son of Communist scum. --> Too bad there's not a modern-day McCarthy to crush Penn, just as his father was by Not-So-Crazy Joe.
Pero = "pen" in Russian --> Poison Pero = Poison Pen
Pero Doctrine = A combination of the Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Truman Doctine and the Bush Doctrine.........A warning and a threat against those wishing to do the U.S. harm (terrorists, Communists, subversives, etc.), by spreading their ideology and hate for the U.S. --> Particulary, but not limited to, those attempting to do so in and through the Western Hemisphere.
Peroville = The home of "The Right is Right," "Liberal Jackass Quotes of the Day," "This Day in History," and the "Medal of Honor" blogs......A place where few reside, but those who truly do will find absolute brilliance.
Political Circle = A variation of the political spectrum........Go to this link to see the circle.
Political Indentured Servitude = The incredibly successful scheme the Democrats have established and used to keep minorities tied to the Democrat Party Plantation, by keeping them down and dependant on the Government, while blaming Republicans for the perpetual state of poverty among minorities. --> It is the most brilliant and successful scheme in the history of American politics.
POS = Piece of Shit......Duh
Post-Term Abortions = Usually performed by Groningers, but also by parents who've lost their minds and killed their children.
Pravda West/Izvestia West = NY Times, LA Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Washington Post, etc., etc..........Any of the various Leftist newspapers/magazines dotting the American landscape --> Pravda was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Izvestia expressed the official views of the Soviet government.
Prenatal Execution/Fetal Execution = Abortion
Prenatal Holocaust/Our National Shame = 40,000,000+ abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade...........Even crazier, there are almost this many per year in the rest of the world.
Prison Mule = The biggest, baddest SOB in prison (in many ways), who likes taking the anal virginity (or not) of his fellow prisoners. --> Often wished upon sex offenders.
Puppet Boy/Nuke LaLoosh = Tim Robbins, who's ass is the permanent home for the Puppet Master's hand........The Nuke referrence is his name in "Bull Durham".
Puppet Master = Susan Sarandon, who uses her wuss-bag husband (Robbins) as a virtual handpuppet to spew out ridiculous Liberal mantras.
QaDaffy/Libyan Drag Queen = Libyan dictator Muammar Al-Qaddafi.......What kind of dictator keeps the rank of Colonel?? And what kind of dictator dresses like a tranny?
(R)'s = Republicans
Rainbowers = The first 5/8ths of the GLBTTBNP's.....Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Trangendered and Try-Sexuals.
Rape-the-Nation (MS) = What the professional race-baiters look to do when speaking of "reparations" for Blacks, as a payback for the misdeeds of Whites in the past.
RBG/The Deviant Justice = Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg --> The Deviant Justice
RDDB's/Red Diaper Doper Babies (MS) - Usually lawyers who grew up with Communist parents, and proceded to get worse by smoking pot.
Red Bastards = Communists, Leftists, Marxists, Maoists, many Democrats, etc.
Religion of Piece (of Crap)/POS = Islam. --> Anything but a Religion of Peace.
Reverse Racism/Affirmative Racism = Affirmative Action.........Payback for the sins of our great-great grandfathers. Even for those who's lineage had nothing to do with slavery or the oppression of Blacks.
RINO = Republican in Name Only
Roland Freisler/The Hangman's Judge = One of Hitler's Henchmen, and Head of the Reich Ministry of Justice (one of the great oxymorons of all time) and President of the German People's Court.
Roosevelt Corollary (TR, 1904) = An extension of the Monroe Doctrine, declaring U.S. hegemony in the Western Hemisphere........Ecomomically, poitically, militarily, etc.
Roosevelt Democrats = Americans who have been loyal to the Democrat Party since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Democrats like my grandparents....Sadly, these Democrats are used as simple pawns by a party which has changed to a point it has little to nothing in common with the Democrats of FDR's day. Especially in the matter of National Defense.
Rule #1 of Invasions = Kill the enemy on the beach/at the border.......Conquest doesn't have to come from military sources, it can also come from demographic and undermining sources. Ask the Romans (Goth) or the Indians of the Western hemisphere.
The Scarlet Hammer and Sickle = A modern version of the Scarlet Letter, identifying American Liberals.....A horrible tag, and one avoided like the plague by American politicians. Particularly Democrats.
SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States
Senator KKK/The Grand Cyclops/KKK Byrd = Senator Bobby Byrd, former 'Grand Cyclops' in the KKK, and the last person to say the term "nigger" in the U.S. Senate. --> Also known as the "Conscience of the Senate" by his Democrat peers...Why they'd even acknowledge him I have no idea.
Shanks = The prison killer....Often prayed for to kill psychotic murderers, pedophiles and rapists who either didn't recieve a death penalty or will have to wait decades to be executed.
Sheethead/Shiitehead = Muslim shitheads........Sunni, Shiite or otherwise.
Ship of Fools/Ship of Fools = The seven Republican senators who stabbed Bush in the back during the 2005 judicial nomination process...Most have heard of the Gang of 14, but the seven Democrats did as expected. They acted as SOB's. This was not foreseen for the Republicans. --> John S. McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Warner, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Michael DeWine, Lincoln Chafee.
The Shitty = San Francisco, which is hardly "The City," unless it is claiming the title for degenercy.
Smeagol/Gollum = James Carville........Not only does he look like him, but he also acts like him. And his "precious" is the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
Sodom = Usually refers to Sadam Hussein, but can also mean San Fransisco.
Suicide Ticket = The Democrat Party, who's foreign policy platform will get us killed if we vote for them. (HH)
Super Big Mutha/Dr. H = The hydrogen bomb..........I think it's pretty obvious why.
Supremes = Supreme Court justices. As a group or individually.
Truman Doctrine (1947) - The dominant American foreign policy of the second half of the 20th Century, calling for U.S. aid to countries threatened by Communist revolution.
Turd World = Known by many as the 3rd World........Mine is much more appropriate.
Twilight Zone = Anywhere bizarre events happen.....Click Here to hear it.
Uncle Joe = Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin.........The enemy of our enemy, therefore our ally in WWII.
Unit 731 - Imperial Japanese biological warfare and human experimentation unit, located in Manchuria/Northern China......It was disguised as a water purification unit to avoid exposure, and because they knew Allied bombers wouldn't attack it as such.
The Useless/ACLU(seless)/ACLU(SSR) = The American Civil Liberties Union (??, what a farce of a name).........The greatest subversive entity in the U.S, which makes it the top "Enemy Within"
Wicked Witch of the East = Sen. Hillary Clinton (D - NY)
Wicked Witch of the West = Rep. Nancy Pelosi (House Minority Leader, D - CA)
Wolves in White Lab Coats = Death doctors......Primarily Groningeners and abortionists, but also includes Mengelian scientists.
Wonderland = Referrencing the classic tale of "Alice in Wonderland"...But instead of going down the "rabbit hole" it means going down the 'toilet bowl'.
XX-Chromosomer = Girls, Women
XXY-Chromosomer = Trannies, Crossdressers, Shemales, etc.
XY-Chromosomer = Boys, Men
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